Patrick Süskind 著、John E. Woods 訳
Penguin Books、1986年刊
嗅覚に関する文章は昔からあり、源氏物語の匂宮の「また人に 馴れける袖の 移り香を わが身にしめて 恨みつるかな」なんていう歌を持ってくるまでもなく、平安時代の歌の世界は人の香りや花の香りであふれている。
で今週は、匂いに特化した小説を読む。『Perfume』(Patrick Süskind 著、John E. Woods 訳、Penguin Books、1986年刊)だ。とても特異な作品だ。
この小説は、最近の商業的な小説に見られるような勢いよく一気に書かれたものとはまったくといっていいほど違う。18世紀のフランスのこと、そして匂いのことなどが、じつに見事に描かれている。作者はミュンヘンとエクス・アン・プロヴァンスで中世史と近代史を学び、パリとミュンヘンで ラジオの脚本や小説を書いていた。その経験がこの一冊に凝縮している。
Das Parfum
von Patrick Süskind
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille wird als fünfter unehelicher Sohn einer Fischverkäuferin in Paris geboren. Alle ihre Geburten davor waren Totgeburten oder starben unmittelbar nach der Geburt und so achtet seine Mutter auch am 17. Juli 1738 nicht auf die Frucht ihres Leibes. Doch er lebt und überlebt als Findelkind und durchwandert verschiedene Pflege- und Erziehungsstationen. Schon bald wird zweierlei klar: Jean-Baptiste hat einen extrem gut ausgebildeten Geruchssinn, er selbst ist aber geruchlos. “Seine Exkremente riechen wohl. Er selbst, der Bastard selbst, riecht nicht” sagte seine Amme.
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is born as the fifth illegitimate son of a fish seller in Paris. All of her previous births were stillborn or died immediately after birth, and so his mother did not pay any attention to the fruit of her womb on July 17, 1738. But he lives and survives as a foundling and goes through various foster and educational stations. Two things soon become clear: Jean-Baptiste has an extremely well-developed sense of smell, but he himself is odorless. “His excrement smells. He himself, the bastard himself, has no smell,” said his wet nurse.
Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for an infant to be possessed by the devil. An infant is not yet a human being; it is a prehuman being and does not yet possess a fully developed soul. Which is why it is of no interest to the devil. Can he talk already, perhaps? Does he twitch and jerk? Does he move things about in the room? Does some evil stench come from him?”
Father Terrier to Jeanne Bussie, p. 10
The very fact that she thought she had spotted him was certain proof that there was nothing devilish to be found, for the devil would certainly never be stupid enough to let himself be unmasked by the wet nurse Jeanne Bussie. And with her nose no less! With the primitive organ of smell, the basest of the senses! As if hell smelled of sulfur and paradise of incense and myrrh! The worst sort of superstition, straight out of the darkest days of paganism, when people still lived like beasts, possessing no keenness of the eye, incapable of distiguishing colors, but presuming to be able to smell blood, to scent the difference between friend and foe, to be smelled out by cannibal giants and werewolves and the Furies, all the while offering their ghastly gods stinking, smoking burnt sacrifices. How repulsive! “The fool sees with his nose” rather than his eyes, they say, and apparently the light of God-given reason would have to shine yet another thousand years before the last remnants of such primitive beliefs were banished.
Father Terrier, thinking, pp. 14-15
The cry that followed his birth, the cry with which he had brought himself to people’s attention and his mother to the gallows, was not an instinctive cry for sympathy and love. That cry, emitted upon careful consideration, one might almost say upon mature consideration, was the newborn’s decision against love and nevertheless for life. Under the circumstances, the latter was possible only without the former, and had the child demanded both, it would doubtless have abruptly come to a grisly end. Of course, it could have grabbed the other possiblity open to it and held its peace and thus have chosen the path from birth to death without a detour by way of life, sparing itself and the world a great deal of mischief. But to have made such a modest exit would have demanded a modicum of native civility, and that Grenouille did not possess.
About the young Grenouille at Madame Gaillard’s, p. 21
So sprach Baldini. Und während er noch sprach, war der Raum um ihn herum schon duftgesättigt von >Amor und Psyche<. Es gibt eine Überzeugungskraft des Duftes, die stärker ist als Worte, Augenschein, Gefühl und Wille. Die Überzeugungskraft des Duftes ist nicht abzuwehren, sie geht in uns hinein wie die Atemluft in unsere Lungen, sie erfüllt uns, füllt uns vollkommen aus, es gibt kein Mittel gegen sie.
And even as he spoke, the air around him was saturated with the odor of Amor and Psyche. Odors have a power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or will. The persuasive power of an odor cannot be fended off, it enters into us like breath into our lungs, it fills us up, imbues us totally. There is no remedy for it.
Baldini and Grenouille in Baldini’s shop, p. 82
He was after all only an apprentice, which was to say, a nobody. Strictly speaking, as Baldini explained to him–this was after he had overcome his initial joy at Grenouille’s resurrection–strictly speaking, he was less than a nobody, since a proper apprentice needed to be of faultless, i.e., legitimate, birth, to have relatives of like standing, and to have a certificate of indenture, all of which he lacked.
Grenouille after his recovery from syphilitic smallpox, p. 106
The more Grenouille had become accustomed to purer air, the more sensitive he was to human odor, which suddenly, quite unexpectedly, would come floating by in the night, ghastly as the stench of manure, betraying the presence of some shepherd’s hut or charcoal burner’s cottage or thieves’ den. And then he would flee farther, increasingly sensitive to the increasingly infrequent smell of humankind. Thus his nose led him to ever more remote regions of the country, ever farther from human beings, driving him on ever more insistently toward the magnetic pole of the greatest possible solitude.
Grenouille on his journey to Grasse, p. 118
We are familiar with people who seek out solitude: penitents, failures, saints, or prophets. They retreat to deserts, preferably, where they live on locusts and honey. Others, however, live in caves or cells on remote islands; some–more spectacularly–squat in cages mounted high atop poles swaying in the breeze. They do this to be nearer to God. Their solitude is a self-mortification by which they do penance. They act in the belief that they are living a life pleasing to God. Or they wait months, years, for their solitude to be broken by some divine message that they hope then speedily to broadcast among mankind.
Grenouille’s case was nothing of the sort. There was not the least notion of God in his head. He was not doing penance nor waiting for some supernatural inspiration. He had withdrawn solely for his own personal pleasure, only to be near to himself. No longer distracted by anything external, he basked in his own existence and found it splendid. He lay in his stony crypt like his own corpse, hardly breathing, his heart hardly beating–and yet lived as intensively and dissolutely as ever a rake had lived in the wide world outside.
Grenouille in his cave in the Massif Centrale, p. 123
Which is why the façon de parler speaks of that universe as a landscape; an adequate expression, to be sure, but the only possible one, since our language is of no use when it comes to describing the smellable world.
The author describing Grenouille’s retreat, p. 125
One Sunday in March–it was about a year now since his arrival in Grasse–Grenouille set out to see how things stood in the garden behind the wall at the other end of town. He was ready for the scent this time, knew more or less exactly what awaited him . . . and nevertheless, as he caught a whiff of it, at the Porte Neuve, no more than halfway to the spot beside the wall, his heart beat more loudly and he felt the blood in his veins tingle with pleasure: she was still there, the incomparably beautiful flower, she had survived the winter unblemished, her sap was running, she was growing, expanding, driving forth the most exquisiite ranks of buds! Her scent had grown stronger, just as he had expected, without losing any of its delicacy. What a year before had been sprinkled and dappled about was now blended into a faint, smooth stream of scent that shimmered with a thousand colors and yet bound each color to it and did not break. And this stream, Grenouille recognized blissfully, was fed by a spring that grew ever fuller. Another year, just one more year, just twelve more months, and that spirng would gush over, and he could come to cap it and imprison the wild flow of its scent.
Grenouille, catching the scent of Laure, pp. 189-190
But to eat a human being? They would never, so they thought, have been capable of anything that horrible. And they were amazed that it had been so very easy for them and that, embarrassed as they were, they did not feel the tiniest bite of conscience. On the contrary! Though the meal lay rather heavy on their stomachs, their hearts were definitely light. All of a sudden there were delightful, bright flutterings in their dark souls. And on their faces was a delicate, virginal glow of happiness. Perhaps that was why they were shy about looking up and gazing into one another’s eyes. When they finally did dare it, at first with stolen glances and then candid ones, they had to smile. They were uncommonly proud. For the first time they had done something out of love.
The Paris mob, after eating Grenouille, p. 255
… talent means nothing, while experience, acquired in humility and with hard work, means everything.
People left him alone. And that was all he wanted.
(Google translate)
父テリアからジャンヌ・ブッシーへ、10 ページ
彼女が彼を見つけたと思ったという事実自体が、悪魔的なものは何も見つからなかったという確かな証拠だった。なぜなら悪魔は、乳母ジャンヌ・ブッシーに正体を暴かれるほど愚かではないはずだからだ。しかも、彼女の鼻で! 最も卑しい感覚である原始的な嗅覚器官で! 地獄は硫黄の匂いで、天国は香と没薬の匂いがするかのようだった! 最悪の迷信であり、異教の最も暗い時代からそのまま出てきたものだ。人々はまだ獣のように暮らし、鋭い目はなく、色を区別することもできないが、血の匂いを嗅ぎ、敵と味方を嗅ぎ分け、人食い巨人や狼男やフューリーに嗅ぎ分けられると自称し、その間ずっと、彼らの恐ろしい神々を悪臭を放ち、煙を吐きながら捧げていた。焼き尽くされる犠牲。なんとも不快なことだろう。「愚か者は目ではなく鼻で見る」と彼らは言う。そして、どうやら神から与えられた理性の光は、そのような原始的な信念の最後の名残が追放されるまでに、さらに千年輝かなければならなかったようだ。
ガイヤール夫人の若いグルヌイユについて、p. 21
バルディーニとグルヌイユ、バルディーニの店、p. 82
梅毒性天然痘から回復した後のグルヌイユ、p. 106
グラースへの旅のグルヌイユ、p. 118
中央高地の洞窟にいるグルヌイユ、p. 123
グルヌイユの隠れ家を描写する著者、p. 125
3月のある日曜日、グラースに到着してから約1年が経った頃、グルヌイユは町の反対側の壁の裏庭の様子を見に出かけた。今回は匂いに備えていたし、何が待ち受けているのかは多かれ少なかれ正確にわかっていた。それでも、ポルト ヌーヴで、壁のそばの地点まで半分も行かないところでその香りをかいだとき、彼の心臓はより激しく鼓動し、血管の血が喜びでうずくのを感じた。比類のない美しい花はまだそこにあり、傷一つないまま冬を越し、樹液が流れ、成長し、広がり、最も美しい蕾の列を膨らませていた。予想通り、その香りはより強くなり、その繊細さは少しも失われていなかった。一年前には散りばめられ、まだらになっていたものが、今では、千色にきらめきながらもそれぞれの色を結びつけ、途切れることのない、かすかで滑らかな香りの流れに溶け込んでいた。そして、この流れは、ますます豊かになる泉によって養われていることを、グルヌイユは幸せに認識した。もう 1 年、あと 1 年、あと 12 か月で、その泉はほとばしり、彼はそれを封印して、その香りの荒々しい流れを閉じ込めることができるだろう。
グルヌイユ、ローレの香りを嗅ぐ、pp. 189-190
しかし、人間を食べるなんて? 自分たちには、そんな恐ろしいことは絶対にできないだろうと、彼らは思った。そして、それが自分たちにとってとても簡単なことだったこと、そして、恥ずかしい思いをしながらも、ほんの少しも良心の呵責を感じなかったことに、彼らは驚いた。それどころか! 食事は胃にかなり重かったが、心は明らかに軽かった。突然、暗い魂に、楽しくて明るい鼓動が起こった。そして、彼らの顔には、繊細で純潔な幸福の輝きがあった。おそらく、それが、彼らが顔を上げて互いの目を見つめることを恥ずかしがっていた理由だろう。彼らがついにその勇気を出し、最初は盗み見し、その後は率直に、笑わずにはいられなかった。彼らはいつになく誇らしかった。初めて、愛から何かをしたのだ。
パリの暴徒、グルヌイユを食べた後、p. 255
… 才能は無意味だが、謙虚さと努力で得た経験はすべてを意味する。